Stuck In The Middle With You

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One of the limitations in the pool automation industry for as long as anyone can remember has been the one pump to one active feature rule. While not a hard rule, this basically means that pool automation systems are incapable of allowing a single pump to activate more than one water feature at a time. Of course you can do this manually by walking over to the pool pad and moving a valve manually, but it hasn’t been done with any automation system until now.
The Attendant is proud to announce that our patented Valve in the Middle technology is now available! This groundbreaking technology allows you to activate two or more water features in your pool by using a single sufficiently sized pump and simply moving a valve actuator into the middle position.
Why Would I Want This Feature?
Reduced upfront equipment cost
Reducing the upfront equipment cost for a new pool build or a retrofit installation means these savings can be passed along to the homeowner making your bid for the project more competitive.
Environmental Impact
By reducing the number of pumps required to run your pool, you lower the amount of energy/electricity required to run them, which means you are reducing the homeowners impact on the environment. The Attendant is the only pool automation system on the market today that was designed to reduce the homeowners environment impact wherever possible.
Lower ongoing maintenance and operational costs
Less equipment on the pool pad means lower maintenance and repair costs. Reducing the number of pumps in your pool also means the ongoing electricity cost of running the pool will be lower.
One thing to keep in mind is that there will be a point of diminishing returns that will be unique to each pool. The more features you add, the more you need to think about the head loss, sizing of the pump and whether it has sufficient power to service those features if they are all on at the same time.
Check out our YouTube channel for more details.
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