Time for something smarter

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Not all pool owners are alike. Some are technical and understand the inner workings of the pumps, actuators, heaters and blowers. They know what to turn on in tandem and what actions lead to negative results. Then there are others who just want it to simply work. One thing we believe all pool owners can agree on is that it’s time for their pools to get smarter. By smarter, I don’t mean having the ability to turn a waterfall on from my phone type of smart that competitors are offering today. The type of smart I expect is making decisions for me in order to protect my investment and reduce my energy usage kinda smart. A smart system that is keeping my water clean and balanced with ease…and speaking of ease, you better integrate with my existing home assistant. Is this too much to ask?

Protect my investment
Pools are a lot of fun, but it all goes downhill when issues arise and things get expensive to resolve. From burst pipes or broken equipment due to weather conditions, to pump overload due to dirty filters and unsafe water conditions; all can lead to repeated trips to the pool store or calls to your pool professional before things begin to look up. The Attendant has several features built in to assist with prevention.
- Automatic Freeze Protection
- Flow Obstruction Detection
- Smart Filtering
- Equipment Failure Alerts
These features were designed from the ground up to provide pool owners with the peace of mind that their system is being monitored and protected.

Reduce Energy Use and Costs
Many pumps and automation systems today allow you to schedule runtimes for swimming, filtering and the like…but none of them have been designed to run the entire system as efficiently as possible. That is typically left up to the pool owner or the installer to configure to the best of their ability. The Attendant on the other hand will automatically determine the most cost effective times and energy efficient flow rates at which to accomplish all desired tasks. If you are the type of pool owner that wants control over when those things happen, we’ve got you covered as well. The Attendant can be overridden at any time to provide you with complete control of the pool system.

Integrated with Home Assistant
Integrations with Amazon and Google Home devices have become so commonplace nowadays that if we didn’t offer it, you would have had to wonder why! Thankfully, we spent the time to make sure The Attendant is fully integrated with the leading personal assistants on the market today. Phrases like “Alexa, set the pool heat to 84 degrees” will turn on the heater and ensure the pump is running at the appropriate speed or “OK, Google, turn on the spa jets and set the pressure to 75%” will turn on the spa jets and set the pump speed to 75% of the maximum speed.

Keep your water clean and balanced
I think it’s safe to say that all pool owners love clean swimmable water and ensuring your water is filtered and balanced are some of the basic functions that must be performed for your pool.
In order to ensure a pool is being adequately filtered, most pools are configured with a schedule of specific runtimes that turn the water over in your pool the desired number of times based on the pool volume, equipment and piping. The Attendant gives you the power to schedule runtimes, but also gives you the ability to specify the desired turnover rate for your pool. From there, The Attendant will go about not only determining the best time for this work (based on energy costs) but also factors in how much of the work has already been done so far based on the pool owners usage.
Getting the chemicals right in your pool can be daunting at times. In order to take the guesswork out of chemical management, The Attendant supports both pH and ORP detection, and is capable of alerting the homeowner and/or pool maintenance team when it’s time to add chemicals or double check water levels. If preferred, the system is designed to maintain the water itself through our automatic chemical dosing technology.
It’s one thing to have a remote control for your pool. It’s entirely another to have your own personal Attendant watching over it.
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