Worry Free FILLing!

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Homeowners and Pool Professionals are always on alert that a pool autofill device can run away without anyone being the wiser. No one wants to receive a large water bill at the end of the month due to an undetected leak in the pool. AND no one wants a stuck autofill system overflowing the pool into the yard. Pool Professionals spoke out with a need, and we were all ears.
The team at Poolside Tech is pleased to announce the release of Fill Switch Support for The Attendant. Fill switch support allows you to track how much water is going into your pool using an autofill system, in addition to alerting you when its crossed the threshold of filling too much.
What’s autofill and what on earth is a fill switch?
Autofill systems are typically powered by a fill switch (or water level sensor) that is triggered when the water level in your pool becomes too low. The system will begin adding water until the float or switch is turned off.
The Attendant has the ability to track the runtime for your autofill system and alert the homeowner (and pool service pro) if the system has added more water than the desired limit. Homeowners and service teams can also review all fill events via the Water Quality menu.

Why Would I Want This?
Autofill systems are a wonderful way to maintain the water level in your poolside oasis, but they must function properly. Every so often, runaway autofill systems cause thousands of dollars in damage. And let’s face it, you are not always there to monitor the water level of your pool. A key initiative for The Attendant is to remove the worry of day-to-day pool ownership. If you have, or are considering an autofill system, this feature will provide insight into just how much water is being added and when.
Additionally, hidden leaks can initially be masked by autofill systems. Timely detection of leaks is important to maintaining ideal performance of your pool. The Attendant is the only automation system on the market today that can monitor this critical aspect of your swimming pool operation.
Contact an authorized dealer today to discuss Fill Switch Support and if it makes sense for your pools needs.
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